Thursday, February 7, 2008

Superbowl ads affecting America

From watching and observing the 2008 superbowl ads, I believe the U.S. is still made up mostly of people who like Hip-hop, drinking Beer and looking at beautiful woman. Almost all the ads featured one or more of these categories in their campaign. Although advertisement this year for the Super-bowl was more expensive than last year, I felt like the ads weren’t as good. Some of the most popular brands that were featured this year included Pepsi, Coke, Bud light and Budweiser. This year Pepsi included a commercial that brought cultural awareness to America. The commercial was about two deaf guys trying to find their friend’s house. As they arrived at the correct neighborhood and without knowing which house their friend (Bob) lived in; they quickly came up with a solution to solve the problem. They honked the horn several times and soon all the neighbor’s woke up and turned on their lights. The only house that did not wake up because of the honking was ideally Bob’s house. This commercial by Pepsi, shows America that, we need to start thinking outside the box and realizing who our real neighbors are. The commercial also send the message that says “If we can’t deal with our own American neighbors, how can we be ready for the world of globalization?”
Despite the fact that our country is still influenced by Hip-hop, Beer and woman, overall I believe the commercials this year show us that America is truly influenced by a more diverse population and is truly changing to become more globalize country.


1 comment:

Elizabeth&Krystal :) said...

Out of all the Superbowl commercials- The pepsi commercials stuck the best in my mind. Did you know that the man who created it was death? I think that was truely amazing- and I think it is neat when companies can "think outside the box."
Americans are highly influenced in socity. Ever since the superbowl I have seen more and more college kids drinking Life water. I never even noticed the brand too much untill the commercial with the Triller-Michael Jackson Dance came out! I loved that commercial. It was my favorite.
-Elizabeth :)