Friday, October 26, 2007

"Eagle Man Commercial"

Unlike large firms, locals usually have a smaller advertising budget. However, this ad didn't quite make the budget. The campaign was tedious and nauseating to the viewer. I feel like locals are missing the whole point of advertising. From what I have learned in my RCS 362 integrated marketing class, advertising is suppose stimulate the minds of the viewers positively and also help them to recall and recognize your brand when they plan to consume. Unfortunately, these local ads like this one for example, do the complete opposite. This ad not only negatively impacted my buying decision for an insurance company; it was also far from being relevant to buying insurance or having insurance at all. Overall, I just don't see how a big giant bird landing on your car and fertilizing it can save you money on insurance.


Jaye & Sarah said...

That commercial is terrible. It doesn't really have anything to do with insurance. I know that local businesses don't have a huge advertising budget, but at least put a little thought into it. I have always hated local commercails. Most are just annoying, but some are really bad.

gy_yoon said...

I agree with you as well. Limited budget doesn't mean bad commercial. It's probably more beneficial for the company to not advertise at all, if their actual ad is going to be like this one. Great point.


SuperflyCARSadpis said...

hey did you get that from saturday night live? just kidding but seriously companies should not write their own commercials, and if they didnt write that they deserve their money back. I woud DEF zap to another channel if that came on my tv. where was the relativity to insurance? It came from a hatched egg? I think I'll stick with Geico. Their commercials are much better!