Thursday, September 6, 2007

Clothing from Iraq

If all goes well, clothing from Iraq will be arriving here in the U.S. by Christmas and will be sold at local retailers--like JC Penny, Sears and Wal-Mart. I think this is the first step to rebuilding Iraq and since so many Iraqis lost their jobs from the beginning of the war, reopening about 200 factories will hopefully boost the economy and trigger a domino’s effect, which will hopefully end the war and allow our soldier to return home. Although the war is not going to end over night, this first step could be crucial and also the determining factor as to how soon our countries will be at peace. In addition, if clothing imported from Iraq to the U.S is viewed positively, foreign investors may very well start investing into Iraq to stay competitive with the U.S. From the start of the war, the news media has been bombarded with death stories, its time to stop using our "Guns"and start using our "Hands."



Professor Sanghvi said...

hmmm........thats a big goal to achieve with importing apparel. the issues are far more complex. but perhaps a step in the right direction.

gy_yoon said...

Yeah, it will take more than importing apparel to fix what has happened in Iraq, however, I do agree with you that, importing from Iraq is perhaps a step in the right direction. In addition, I also believe that we need to stop fighting and start rebuilding our own nation; I feel that our nation is falling apart and that greed is causing it to all happen.