Monday, November 19, 2007

PR & Promotions

Today we talked in class about PR & Promotions. We simply watched a video on S-Club 7 and how they were being promoted through some chaotic situations. Our professor also challenged us to think about, whether all forms of promotions are considered to be good promotions? After taking some time to digest the question, I think when you are a celebrity; all forms of promotions should be considered good promotions. Whether you’re Britney Spears, going crazy and having babies or Angelina Jolie, adopting foreign babies; it’s all considered PR and it creates a story for your name. Whether it is good or bad, fact or fiction, it still gives the people a story to read about and it keeps your name in the "world of fame."

In addition, we were also challenged to ponder about, whether fame should come before one's talent in the music industry. For this question, I think it can go either way. For example, Paris Hilton, she was famous first and now she has her own clothing line, music album, TV shows, in movies, Hardee's advertisement and others. On the contrary, you have Kelly Clarkson who became known for her music first, through American Idol; now she can be seen in ads, movie, music, on tour with Reba and has become, one of the newest young stars of our generation. Overall, I believe either path can lead to success, however, I feel that being famous first will give you more lead way, to branch into any industry you so chose. If people know who you are, regardless of what you do, they will more than likely support you.



Megan's Blogs said...

In the case of Brittany and Lindsey he publicity keeps their name in the news but not in a positive way. I agree that the publicity is good in the way that it keeps their names in the press. I do not think that it what it is doing to their image is positive. I think that it is a situation-by-situation decision.

Jane King Brownfield said...

Yes, I agree with the previous comment, whether or not all publicity is good publicity depends a lot on the actor/actress. I think it depends on how the actor wants to achieve fame... some actors will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame and some wish to be known only for serious work.

gy_yoon said...

Yeah I also agree with both of your points. It does really depend on each individual situation. It's hard to identify if the media is really portraying the realities of these celebrities, therefore we don't even know what really takes place in their lives. I guess it all really depends on what the celebrities think. If they are ok with the PR, then I guess its ok with us.